Incom ist die Kommunikations-Plattform der weißensee kunsthochschule berlin

In seiner Funktionalität auf die Lehre in gestalterischen Studiengängen zugeschnitten... Schnittstelle für die moderne Lehre

Incom ist die Kommunikations-Plattform der weißensee kunsthochschule berlin mehr erfahren

Aktuelles aus den Workspaces

Extra-terrestial anthropology: design thinking for a post-planetary social life

You are all warmly invited to David (Jeeva) Jeevendrampillai's lecture on Thursday 11th @16.15, the last in the current series.

Jeeva will be giving his lecture live …

!!Cancelled!! SprechenÜber 10.07.24

Dear everyone,

Unfortunately, due to sickness, we have to cancel SprechenÜber event this week. We won't have any upcoming event this semester anymore. Thank you!

Warm regards,


Stephanie Bunn's lecture 'Basketry, Renewal and Regeneration' this Thursday 4th @16.15

Stephanie will be giving her lecture over Zoom to a live audience, so please come to Hörsaal 3075, Unter den Linden 6, Humboldt Universität, or join us online: …


SprechenÜber - Wednesday, 03.07.2024 - 5PM - @HÖRSAAL - With Amund Ulvestad!

Come and join us at SprechenÜber, this Wednesday, July 3rd with Amund Ulvestad


5 PM @Hörsaal (C105)


In this session, we will exchange thoughts and ideas on the fields of …

!!!Today!!! SprechenÜber, 5pm @PROF.MENSA :)

Come and join us at SprechenÜber, Today, 5 pm at Prof. Mensa with Truls Krane Meby

Today on SprechenÜber, we are getting to know a Filmmaker, Truls Krane Meby. …