Incom ist die Kommunikations-Plattform der weißensee kunsthochschule berlin

In seiner Funktionalität auf die Lehre in gestalterischen Studiengängen zugeschnitten... Schnittstelle für die moderne Lehre

Incom ist die Kommunikations-Plattform der weißensee kunsthochschule berlin mehr erfahren

Ecos of a place of knowledge

nur für Incom-Mitglieder

Ecos of a place of knowledge

This seminar is a practice based course that is structured as a

Workshop, where we periodically present/share/engage with results, which are informed and built from cues generated in the class. The focus of the seminar will be in fashioning an environment where we can be creative in how we learn/work/share. We will invent and build together a structure by which we can be co-creators in the learning-experience and co-practitioners in an unearthing process of knowledge production.

How do we take steps towards knowing that we do not know? Seeing what is hidden, obstructed and erased? How do we perceive? From which space or perspective do we create? What do we understand as creation or a creative act?

How do we collectively and individually find tools that assist us in finding other ways, means and tools of seeing, creating, imagining or inventing?

This semester is aimed at finding and developing your research topic.

The seminar will use joy, pleasure, imagination as a creative tool. Not in the easy Silvester kind of joy or the romantic Hollywood kind of love. The kind that demands growth and responsibility, and requires us to see ourselves and each other as whole and capable. Natasha Marin says “Witnessing is sacred work, too. Seeing ourselves as whole and healthy is an act of pure rebellion in a world so titillated by our subjugation.”

In a world that demands that all we see is, each other as bodies in pain. And presents pleasure and joy as an act of being useful to capitalism.

We will have an exhibition at the Kunsthalle end of semester.



Modul II: Praxisseminar: Materialität und Medialität

Modul IV: Praxisseminar: Herstellung von Veröffentlichungsmedien für das Theorie-Praxis- Projekt II

Modul IV: Praxisseminar: Projektkooperationen und kooperatives Arbeiten


Wintersemester 2023 / 2024




At the end of my seminar a new work needs to be produced and presented.




Concordia A3.15
