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Performative Räume 2_Vertiefungskurs_B

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smell what`s cooking

Cooking as a social practice


Room H107, khb and public space

With Krishan Rajapakshe


In the course Performative Spaces II we will explore the social, performative, power critical and creative potential of cooking.


We will plan and organize three events (once in a public space) to which we will invite our guests and cook for them and with them.


By opening up a space of hospitality, we create encounters that can be shaped.


Is cooking like painting a picture? What performative potential lies in cooking itself? How can we use space and the body as a means of creation and design? Opening up a space for friends, what do we create by cooking for others? How do we create a social experiment ?


On the basis of analyzing cookery shows, food cultures in Berlin and the question of the conditions under which the food we use is actually grown, we establish a link to current socially relevant issues.

Kitchens in particular are not free from power relations. We wanted to take a playful look at this and produce our own answers.


Künstlerische Grundlagen

Vertiefungskurs: Räumliches Gestalten


Sommersemester 2024


Mittwoch, 09:30 – 17:00

Freitag, 09:30 – 17:00

Erster Termin



H107 + ausserhalb der Schule
