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Vorlesungsverzeichnis Sommersemester 2024

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Ausklappen Einklappen Raumstrategien Modul V: Theorie-Praxis-... (PARA)SITES Prof. Pauline Doutreluingne Dienstag
10.00 - 13:00

Modul V: Theorie-Praxis-Projekt III: Hauptprojekt
16 Credits


Modul V: Theorieseminar: Raum und öffentlicher Kontext
6 Credits


Modul III: Theorie-Praxis-Projekt II
6 Credits

„The parasite intervenes, enters the system as an element of fluctuation. It excites [the system] or incites it; it puts into motion, or it paralyzes it. It changes its state, changes its energetic stance, its displacements and condensations.“ (Michel Serres, Parasite, 1982, p191)

Parasites are the bad kids on the block, inevitably portrayed as seductive but always causing harm. But in many parasite-host relationships, the parasite rarely causes significant damage to the health of the host, because when the host dies, so does the parasite. In the chaotic, unpredictable world of changing environmental conditions, parasites can help hosts adapt. Parasites can stimulate the host's immune system to fight off new microbes, and they can help the host metabolise new forms of food.

How can we learn from other forms of existence and cohabitation and explore parasitic ways of creation? We usually understand parasitic relationships as a binary distinction between two separate entities: …

Erster Termin
Concordia A3.15 and Floating University
Ausklappen Einklappen Raumstrategien Modul II: Theorieseminar... THE PRICE OF MEMORY AND THE COST OF AMNESIA Manuela Garcia Aldana Blockseminar

Modul II: Theorieseminar: Medien und Kommunikation
6 Credits

6 weitere Module aus Raumstrategien


5 Block Sessions

Wednesdays 10:00 - 17:00



12.05.2024 -  talk between Paz Guevara and Gertraude Pohl. HKW. 14:00 - 16:00





24.07.2024 Final Presentations / Rundgang 12:00 -17:00


To look at Germany’s historical and contemporary relations with the world, is to go around the world with one eye shut or to try to tie a bundle with one hand. In the history of the HKW as a cultural institution that pivots international artistic, cultural and scientific discourses from Germany, the lens through which the world has been understood has been tainted with the shades of the Cold War, as well as an imagination and partitioning of the world into “old” and “new”. Indeed the title of the first symposium in 1957 hosted by the Congress Hall (which became the HKW in 1989) — gifted by the US government to the …

Erster Termin
Ausklappen Einklappen Raumstrategien Modul I: Theorieseminar:... Diasporic Atmospheres: Then, Now, and On (and On) Tonderai Koschke Donnerstag
10:00 - 13:00

Modul I: Theorieseminar: Raumanalyse
6 Credits


Modul V: Theorieseminar: Raum und öffentlicher Kontext
6 Credits


Modul III: Theorieseminar: Performativer Raum
6 Credits

Erster Termin
Seminarraum Raumstrategien
Ausklappen Einklappen Raumstrategien Modul I: Praxisseminar: ... Explorative breath Lerato Shadi Montag
10:00 - 13:00

Modul I: Praxisseminar: Performative Rauminterpretationen/Interventionen
6 Credits

3 weitere Module aus Raumstrategien

This seminar is a practice-based course that is structured as workshop/exhibition/reading-room. Where we periodically present/share/engage with results, which are informed and built from cues generated in the class. The focus of the seminar will be in fashioning an environment where we can be creative in how we learn/work/share. We invent and build together a structure by which we can be co-creators in the learning-experience and co-practitioners in an unearthing process of knowledge production.

In this class we will go through the often frustrating but ultimately rewarding process of searching for and finding a research topic. Knowledge inscribed and prescribed beyond the usual articulations.

The goal is to lean into constructing knowledge from a space of our subjective, partial and emotional perspectives. How do we use our theoretical capabilities in a way that connects to the knowledge laying within ourselves? How can we connect and extract the breath of lived history that resides …

Erster Termin
lecture rooms of spacial strategy
Ausklappen Einklappen Raumstrategien Modul II: Praxisseminar:... Great Sound - SoSe 2024 Dr. Anton Kats keine Angabe zum Wochentag

Modul II: Praxisseminar: Materialität und Medialität
6 Credits

The seminar listens into the historical foundations of fascist politics and explores how the rise of fascist ideologies can be addressed through an experimental sound curriculum. Accordingly, this theory and practice seminar synthesises pedagogies of civic engagement and feminist anti-fascism with the applied study of sound and music.

The seminar asks how to resist fascism through the study of sound?

Expanding on the often misunderstood terminology of anti-fascism as an exclusively militant and heroic opposition, the seminar will rehearse non-heroic forms of resistance found in often undervalued, ordinary forms of both political work and musicianship. Emphasising solidarity, collaboration, endurance, voluntary organisation and failure as building blocks of political practice, the seminar will extend musical practice and theory to develop an operational concept of 'harmonic intelligence', exploring the potential of sound and rhythm as a spatial strategy of resistance.

Operating as an open laboratory the seminar embraces sonic experimentation as a starting point for …

Ausklappen Einklappen Raumstrategien Modul IV: Praxisseminar:... Mobilizations Marianna Liosi Montag
14:00 - 17:00

Modul IV: Praxisseminar: Herstellung von Veröffentlichungsmedien für das Theorie-Praxis- Projekt II
8 Credits



Mondays from 14:00 – 17:00, Seminarraum

First meeting: (exceptionally) 18.04.2024 from 14:00-17:00


Following up the topics explored in the previous semester, in which an overview on the relationship between emotions, such as shame and fear and practices of justice were outlined, this seminar will explore forms of mobilization of individuals and communities, and in particular, it will focus on affect and empathy as mobilizing tools.

Do all images move, or propel effects in other bodies? Is the affectivity a characteristic of the image itself, or does it stay in the observer? What images are able to trigger actions? And what kind of actions?

The seminar will propose, on the one side, an introspection in each of us as affective publics, intending with these term engaged observers performing the online and offline sphere and establishing connections among bodies and spaces. On the other, it will question whether, how, and in …

Erster Termin
Ausklappen Einklappen Raumstrategien Modul I: Theorieseminar:... Textile Epistemologies (theory) Paz Guevara Freitag
10:00 - 13:00

Modul I: Theorieseminar: Raumanalyse
6 Credits

How do textiles embody knowledge, histories and languages? What are the haptic, material and spatial distinctive aspects of textiles? What stories do textiles tell and how do they archive them? What conditions are fostered by textile production and circulation? What is the political performance of textiles throughout history, and in diverse locations, communities and artistic practices? What heated aesthetic debates has textile practice triggered and continues to provoke today?

The seminar begins with an introduction to the history of textiles as a technology, specifying terms, basic techniques and the labor and strategic use of fibers, threads and dyes. First from plants and animals, fibers such as cotton, wool, linen, alpaca, silk and later synthetic ones fostered textile cultures, textile ecologies and geopolitics, shaping society, influencing even mathematics, modern chemistry, commerce and bank notes system.

Departing from the introduction of the seminar, the group will collectively develop a glossary of terms …

Erster Termin
Seminar Room
Ausklappen Einklappen Raumstrategien Modul IV: Praxisseminar:... Inner Worlds Interspaces Outer Bodies Viron Erol Vert Freitag
14:00 - 17:00

Modul IV: Praxisseminar: Projektkooperationen und kooperatives Arbeiten
6 Credits


Modul II: Praxisseminar: Materialität und Medialität
6 Credits

Up to now, we in our society have tended to understand the topic of space in terms of an „absolutist“ view that emerged from Euclidean geometry, with the understanding of space as a container for things and people taking center stage. Especially from today's Western European perspective, strong deficits in the space-human relationship can be recognized, which date back to the time of the Weimar Republic and National Socialism. At that time, Hans Grimm in particular coined the term „people without space“ in his novel of the same name published in 1926.

In the post-war period, this triggered a taboo on the relationship between people and space in society that continues to this day. According to the German sociologist Martina Löw, the emergence of space is a social phenomenon and can only be understood as a processual phenomenon from the perspective of social development. While space used to be seen more …

Erster Termin