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Vorlesungsverzeichnis Wintersemester 2024 / 2025

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Ausklappen Einklappen Raumstrategien Modul I: Praxisseminar: ... Clothing as Space / Space as Clothing M.A., M.A. Viron Erol Vert Donnerstag
14:30 - 17:30

Modul I: Praxisseminar: Performative Rauminterpretationen/Interventionen
6 Credits


Modul IV: Praxisseminar: Herstellung von Veröffentlichungsmedien für das Theorie-Praxis- Projekt II
8 Credits


Modul II: Praxisseminar: Materialität und Medialität
6 Credits

In the following winter semester 2024/25 and the subsequent summer semester 2025, we want to take a closer look at the historical and historical development of clothing and in particular the interaction of clothing and space in the broadest sense from different perspectives as part of the concept “Clothing as Space/Space as Clothing”.      This process-oriented body of work, which can be understood as a hybrid between clothing/object/sculpture/space, aims to analyze and reveal the individual perspectives of the seminar participants on the relationship between space and clothing from both a historical and contemporary perspective. The result of the collective research and discussions from the first seminar (WS24/25) will be used to create and produce in the second seminar (SS 2025) a body of work in material. These individually developed kinds of “sculptures/body/spaces” shall in the next step be bound together into a collective installative and performative presentation by all …

Erster Termin
Raumstrategien / Library
Ausklappen Einklappen Raumstrategien Modul I: Theorieseminar:... Exhibition Histories: Stories, Debates, and Spatial Strategies through São Paulo Biennial Paz Guevara Freitag
10:00 - 13:00

Modul I: Theorieseminar: Raumanalyse
6 Credits

Founded in 1951 in São Paulo, Brazil, at the time of Brazil's industrialisation, modernist architectural projects and the Cold War, the São Paulo Biennial embodied the 'biennial' model of the Venice Biennial, founded in 1895, becoming the second oldest biennial in the world. The São Paulo Biennial marked an important shift in the opening up of art practices, narratives and debates through exhibitions from Brazil and the South, between the debates related to the founding strategies of placing Brazilian modern art alongside European and American art, and the practices of decentering the Euro-American centres, and contest the eurocentric narratives.

A biennial, with the rhythm of its two-year reiteration, allows us to compare positions and engage in significant long-term debates. In any case, avoiding mechanistic chronologism of a biennial, we will enter into the São Paulo Biennial through stories, debates and spatial strategies that have troubled the dominant Western art canon, challenging …

Erster Termin
Raumstrategien / Library
Teilnehmer_innen Anzahl
Ausklappen Einklappen Raumstrategien Modul I: Theorie-Praxis-... ATTUNING TO THE EARTH THROUGH TERRESTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES Prof. Pauline Doutreluingne Dienstag
10:00 - 13:00

Modul I: Theorie-Praxis-Projekt I
10 Credits

5 weitere Module aus Raumstrategien

This course focuses on the production of artistic experiments driven by research in art and changing ecologies.

How can we listen more deeply to the adapting environment in which we live? How can we attune our senses to the earth we inhabit?

How can technology help us cross different perspectives and realities? How can we grasp the changing bodies we are becoming? And how can we better communicate with the world around us?

Our physiology - and perhaps our psyche - limits our ability to listen to our non-human kins and the world in which we live. Compared to many other species, humans are poor listeners. Below the lower end of human hearing is deep infrasound: the realm of thunder and tornadoes, elephants and whales. Many creatures can sense and communicate in infrasound, which travels easily over long distances, through air and water, earth and stone.

The deepest infrasound is produced by the planet …

Erster Termin
Ausklappen Einklappen Raumstrategien Modul I: Theorie-Praxis-... Navigating Grief in Creative Practice Lerato Shadi Montag
10:00 - 13:00

Modul I: Theorie-Praxis-Projekt I
10 Credits

3 weitere Module aus Raumstrategien

Navigating Grief in Creative Practice

This semester we will explore the multifaceted responses to grief through various artistic mediums. We will engage in understanding grief not only as a personal experience but also as a shared cultural and universal phenomenon that shapes identities and collective narratives. We will investigate how our creative practices serve as outlets for processing grief, fostering healing, and articulating complex emotional landscapes that resonate with both personal and communal experiences.Throughout the semester, students will delve into questions that lay the groundwork for a deeper understanding of grief:

The exploration of collective sorrow emphasizes how grief shapes identities and experiences, demonstrating that mourning transcends the individual and becomes a communal phenomenon. Throughout this course, we will engage with the concept that the act of remembering—both painful and restorative—is integral to the narratives we create. Characters in literature often grapple with memories that evoke sorrow, yet also illuminate moments of …

Ausklappen Einklappen Raumstrategien Modul I: Theorie-Praxis-... Architectures of Omittance Tonderai Koschke Donnerstag
10:00 - 13:00

Modul I: Theorie-Praxis-Projekt I
10 Credits

6 weitere Module aus Raumstrategien

Erster Termin
Ausklappen Einklappen Raumstrategien Modul V: Theorieseminar:... SPACE, PLACE AND THE SONIC TANGENT: ON CROSSING RHYTHMS, SACRAL SONIC SPACES & GROOVING FORWARD Manuela Garcia Aldana Mittwoch
10:00 - 17:00

Modul V: Theorieseminar: Raum und öffentlicher Kontext
6 Credits

8 weitere Module aus Raumstrategien


7 Block Sessions










The beat

Has a rich and magnificent history

Full of adventure


And mystery

Some of it bitter and some of it sweet

But all of it part of the beat

The beat! The beat!

They say

It began

With a chant and a hum

And a black hand laid on a native drum……

Bantu, Zulu, Watusi, Ashanti, Herero, Igbo, Asuto, Iasa, Inkanga, Budunga, .Kikiyu, Bawutu, Kisi,


(Max Roach & Abbey Lincoln: All Africa)

The seminar “Space, Place and the Sonic Tangent: On crossing rhythms, sacral sonic spaces & grooving forward” will explore spatiality, spatial politics, place- and space-making in relation to sonority and auditory phenomena, such as voice, speech, sound and music at large. Sonic manifestations and music are investigated here as mediums through which mappings can be made, as sites of construction of cartographies, as well as mediums through which …

Erster Termin
Ausklappen Einklappen Raumstrategien Modul II: Praxisseminar:... Harmonic Ignorance - Spatial Strategies - Winter Semester 2024 Dr. Anton Kats Dienstag
12:00 - 20:00

Modul II: Praxisseminar: Materialität und Medialität
6 Credits

Harmonic Ignorance

This seminar develops the concept of 'harmonic ignorance' and explores the complex interplay where ignorance is identified as an active, strategic and systemic construct rather than simply a lack of knowledge.

By exploring sound and listening as an artistic research practice, the seminar examines how ignorance is harmonised within socio-political inequalities perpetuated by right-wing, racialised, gendered and economic norms - and how these can be disrupted through the sonic.

Integrating theoretical insights with practical experimentation, the course encourages students to work with sound and listening to reflect, challenge and transform strategic constructs of harmony and ignorance. Emphasizing non-heroic, every day, durational, and collaborative methods of resistance, the course highlights anti-fascist perspectives through the socio-political and cultural dimensions of sound.

The course unfolds in block seminars and invites students to develop projects inspired by sound, listening and artistic research to critically question and reinterpret the concepts of …

Erster Termin
Concordia, Raumstrategien
Ausklappen Einklappen Raumstrategien Modul I: Theorieseminar:... The Montage as a Paradigm of Action Marianna Liosi Montag
14:00 - 17:00

Modul I: Theorieseminar: Raumanalyse
6 Credits

In the last decades, especially thanks to the widespread use of affordableportable technological devices, and social networks, the obsession for producing and consuming images and moving images has concerned most of us-observers, users, prosumers, and political subjects. This fever reached an extreme level, up to the point that the massive flow of photos and videos produced exceed the lifetime of an individual. The result is that most of these audiovisuals in circulation remain without interlocutors, yet exist. Regardless they are produced by professionals or amateurs, human beings, machines, or the AI, images embody an ambivalent and contradictory sense of trustworthiness, which is often driven by emotions, despite the growing awareness of manipulations. These unreliable evidences prove that each anonymous individual is part of history, empowers self-determination through self-representation (e.g. vernacular videos), imposes the acknowledgment that multiple narratives, including fake news, can or need to co-exist, despite all. Among the possible …

Erster Termin