Incom ist die Kommunikations-Plattform der weißensee kunsthochschule berlin

In seiner Funktionalität auf die Lehre in gestalterischen Studiengängen zugeschnitten... Schnittstelle für die moderne Lehre

Incom ist die Kommunikations-Plattform der weißensee kunsthochschule berlin mehr erfahren


A device that can process emotions for people with depression

Although several antidepressant activities are known to be available, patients are unable to cope with sudden emotional events during the long treatment process, and they often remain depressed because they cannot get timely help and the event continues to affect their lives. Doc-U is a combination of an app and device that suggests activities to people with chronic depression to address moods through data voluntarily donated from other users and helps people with depression identify the most appropriate solutions for them through a self-assessment over time.

Users freely document their thoughts via a microphone. The thoughts then congeals in a chocolate ball that falls out of the microphone. The device counts word groups to identify frequently recurring themes. It suggests problem areas to which users can assign themselves. For each problem, users can refer to solutions from others who have the same problem and create their own list of solutions.

Users test the solutions one by one and document their effectiveness using a scale on the wearable part of the device. They can donate this data to help other patients with the same problem. Data donation helps other patients to find useful activities faster.



Doc-U 3.jpgDoc-U 3.jpg
Doc-U 1,1.jpgDoc-U 1,1.jpg
Doc-U 2,1.jpgDoc-U 2,1.jpg


Final Functionprototype


User Flow-Video

Idea about Data donation


Gestaltung Prototype-Mic



Function Prototype-wearable device

2.2/ Wheel





We have changed the way we interact and want our products to look more interesting. The user pulls out the handle and evaluates whether the activity has a relieving effect on his worries. When the colour of the centre is red for no and green for yes. When the first activity has been evaluated, it automatically switches to the second activity.




Previously our evaluation system could only decide yes or no, which we felt was a pity, so we decided to return to the Skala concept. We use a gradient color palette where the shade or transition of color represents the level of the rating.

After some experimentation, we felt that 3, 4, and 6 worked well so we decided to do further tests.

2.1 /Durchsichtig und undurchsichtig band


In order to make the interaction more interesting we decided to use a pull but at the same time keep the Skala intact, so our first idea was to make the bands out of transparent and opaque materials. This way the sensors can recognise the translucency on the band and thus achieve the effect of evaluating the activity




The user evaluates the activity by means of a slide knob and then the pointer is reset again to turn on a second evaluation, to achieve this we use position sensors and servos. The two sensors are linked together by a slide knob and their movements are synchronized. The user turns the slider knob, the position sensor reads the value first and the tiller resets the slider knob if there is no movement within 5 seconds.

Function Prototype- Mic



Final User flow

user flow4-02.jpguser flow4-02.jpg
user flow1-02.jpguser flow1-02.jpg
user flow-02.jpguser flow-02.jpg
user flow3-02.jpguser flow3-02.jpg

We finally decided that our product has three main functions

1/ Recording of emotions--Mic

2/ Suggestions for possible activities, self-assessment--APP & Wearable divce

3/Donation of data -- unknown


Prototype 4 [Datadonation][Evaluation]



This is our fourth user journey.

1. We have added the concept of data donation to the original one, which means that users can choose whether to upload their emotional data and solutions to the cloud to help other users.

2. The second feature is a more granular data format for solutions, so that users need to test which solutions work best for them and then share them with other users as a reference.

Prototype 3 [FreeText]


This is our third user flow test.

We found that many people with depression get used to recording their moods in a confusing format and they look for people with similar experiences and discuss possible solutions together through forums, chat groups, so we decided to use a text extraction model to summarise the themes of the free text and then group the records of the same themes together to make it easier for patients to find the same people.


Further Researchquestion

Task 4 Gesundheit2.jpgTask 4 Gesundheit2.jpg


Task 4 Gesundheit6.jpgTask 4 Gesundheit6.jpg

Specific User Group

Task 4 Gesundheit94.jpgTask 4 Gesundheit94.jpg

Basic Feature

Task 4 Gesundheit99.jpgTask 4 Gesundheit99.jpg


Prototype 2 [community]

thumbnail_Präsi 3.jpgthumbnail_Präsi 3.jpg

This is the second user journey we have tried. 

Our focus is on people with chronic depression

1. Users can record good and bad moods and use the good moods to nourish the AR plants to create a positive feedback.

And share their emotions with friends

2. Users record what things make people feel happy and what things make them sad. Record the connection between emotions and events.

Prototype 1-User flow

Task 4-Gensundheit.jpgTask 4-Gensundheit.jpg

This is the first user journey we have tried.

We wanted to make tracker to optimise the relationship between patient and doctor, where users can collect their own data and provide a more detailed description to the doctor. So we created a series of trackers using muscle pain as an example.


Research question

Task 4 Gesundheit_页面_2.jpgTask 4 Gesundheit_页面_2.jpg

Analog und digital Eigenschaft

Task 4 Gesundheit_页面_3.jpgTask 4 Gesundheit_页面_3.jpg

User group

Task 4 Gesundheit_页面_4.jpgTask 4 Gesundheit_页面_4.jpg


Manipulation von Nutzern

Artikel zu „Dark patterns“

Artikel über den Wert medizinischer Daten

„To put it in numbers, personal health information is considered three times more valuable to hackers compared to other types of personal data, including credit card information.“

„It’s no coincidence that more than 25% of all data breaches are related to healthcare.“


Artikel über die Vorteile von Wearables in der Medizin

Tracking & Vorhersage

Artikel über AI, die Rückfälle von Krankenhaus-Patienten vorhersagt:

„The pilot, which involved visiting only about 2,000 patients over two years, lowered readmission rates 31 percent from what was expected. They avoided 382 readmits, a total cost savings of just over $4 million.“

Artikel über die Probleme der Gesundheits-AI „Watson“:

„To recognize genes linked to disease, Watson needs thousands of records of patients who have specific diseases and whose DNA has been analyzed. But those gene-and-patient-record combinations can be hard to come by. In many cases, the data simply doesn’t exist in the right format—or in any form at all. Or the data may be scattered throughout dozens of different systems, and difficult to work with.“

„To really help doctors get better outcomes for patients, however, Watson will need to find correlations between what it reads in health records and what Tang calls “all the social determinants of health.” Those factors include whether patients are drug-free, avoiding the wrong foods, breathing clean air, and on and on. But Tang concedes that today almost no hospitals or medical practices get that data reliably for a significant percentage of patients.“

„Electronic health records may have made the problem even worse, […] because the advent of such systems has enormously increased the amount of data generated in each visit, without providing a standard format to allow easy retrieval.“

Maschinen erkennen Stimmung durch Körperhaltung. Das funktioniert sogar mit Strichmännchen - Möglichkeit für Anonymisierung?

Maschinen erkennen Stimmung über Atemfrequenz und Herzschlag durch reflektierte Wifi-Signale:

Paper über Smartphones als Diagnosewerkzeuge:!po=9.86842

Tabelle – Smartphone-Tracking-Systeme:

Infografiken – Tragbare Sensoren:

Forum – passives Tracking:

Gesundheitsdaten teilen

Bündnis verschiedener Gesundheitsorgas zur Erforschung des Nutzens von Blockchain-Technik im Gesundheitssektor


Dehnbare Elektronik aus dem 3D-Drucker:

Apple Watch:

  • EKG: Puls, Vorhofflimmern, Herzvariabilitität, Ruhefrequenz, Kardiofitnessniveau…

  • Blutsauerstoffgehalt, Blutdruck

  • Schlaf, Schritte, Stehminuten usw., Treppen, Erkennt Aktivitäten (teilweise schlecht. Verwechselt Auto mit Rad)

  • Händewaschen: Anleitung, Gesundheits-Artikel, Gehör- Test, Gleichgewichtstraining…

  • Notfallpass

Alles Zeug, welches das Handy technisch selbst könnte. Aber ein Bequemlichkeits-Vorteil.



Beispieldaten Depressionstagebuch


Digitales Krankenakten-System in Deutschland(EPA)

Das jetzt in Deutschland bestehende eHealth-System

Gesetzliche Versicherte haben ab dem 1. Januar 2021 ein Anrecht auf die Nutzung einer ePA. Diese wird von den Krankenkassen als App kostenlos bereitgestellt und kann auf mobilen Endgeräten, wie zum Beispiel dem eigenen Smartphone oder einem Tablet, installiert werden. Mit der ePA werden Nutzer darin bestärkt, souverän und eigenverantwortlich mit ihren Gesundheitsdaten umzugehen. So werden Patienten Teil des Teams, das sich um ihre Gesundheit kümmert. Zugleich können sie eine aktivere Rolle bei ihrer eigenen Gesundheitsversorgung spielen.
Ziel der ePA ist eine umfassende Vernetzung des deutschen Gesundheitswesens, sowohl zwischen verschiedenen Fachärzten oder Apotheken als auch zwischen Ärzten, Apotheken und Patienten. Viele bisher analog oder in Papierform ablaufende Arbeitsschritte können durch die ePA digitalisiert und damit vereinfacht werden. Weitere Vorteile: Medizinische Informationen liegen transparent vor und erleichtern zukünftig viele Abläufe. Davon profitieren Patienten ebenso wie Ärzte, Apotheker, Therapeuten und anderes medizinisches Fachpersonal.


Patienten zur Beteiligung befähigen

Artikel: Die Arzneimittelhersteller beziehen die Patienten in den Prozess der Vorentwicklung ihrer Arzneimittel ein und berücksichtigen die Ratschläge der Patienten.

Grundsätze: Wie man das Engagement der Patienten verbessern kann.

Im klinischen Alltag entscheiden jedoch medizinische Fachleute und die erkrankte Person im Idealfall gemeinsam über das angemessene Vorgehen.

Das Ärztliche Zentrum für Qualität in der Medizin (ÄZQ) gehört zu den Unterzeichnenden und hat sich gemeinsam mit anderen Institutionen der Erfüllung folgender Anforderungen verpflichtet:
-Unabhängigkeit und Ausgewogenheit;
-Transparenz bei Interessenkonflikten und Finanzierung;
-Vermittlung eines realistischen Krankheitsbildes;
-systematische Recherche und Bewertung der Evidenz;
-Vermittlung von Nutzen und Schaden aller in Frage kommenden Optionen einschließlich der Nicht-Behandlung;
-Darstellung von Nutzen und Schaden an Hand von Ergebnissen, die für Patientinnen und Patienten relevant sind;
-angemessene Risikokommunikation.

Increasing Migration of Medical Devices into the Home

Wir sollten die Interaktionsmöglichkeit zwischen der Tracker und professionelle medizinische Gerät, um zu verhindern, dass die Menschen zu sehr von ihren Geräten abhängig werden

Having a device at home may actually make people less diligent in maintaining their own health. “These risky behaviors can involve lifestyle changes, such as changes in diet or physical activity, or less attention to monitoring their health condition due to over-reliance on the device,”

Je mehr die Patienten über ihre Gesundheitsdaten wissen, desto spezifischer und präziser können ihre Forderung bei ihrem nächsten Diagnosenprocess sein.

The explosion of information on the Internet has provided people with access to more data than ever before. Individuals with health concerns have resources at their fingertips that provide information about symptoms, conditions, and treatment options, which make them more informed consumers of health care services. This knowledge, in turn, enables people to be more demanding of their health care providers.

Do Patient really understand?

Communication barriers often go undetected in health care settings and can have serious effects on the health and safety of patients. Limited literacy skills are one of the strongest predictors of poor health outcomes for patients.1,2 Studies have shown that when patients have low reading fluency, they know less about their chronic diseases, they are worse at managing their care,3 and they are less likely to take preventive measures for their health.4 However, patients do not need to have limited literacy skills to have low health literacy. The Institute of Medicine defines health literacy as “the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions.”

Ask me 3 Rlues

An important component of creating a psychologically safe environment is fostering an atmosphere in which questions are welcomed. A helpful communication tool for both physicians and patients is Ask Me 3.11 Created by the Partnership for Clear Health Communication (National Patient Safety Foundation, North Adams, MA), this tool specifies three essential questions to which patients should know the answer after every health care encounter: 1) What is my main problem? 2) What do I need to do? 3) Why is it important for me to do this? When clinicians use posters and brochures found on the Ask Me 3 Web site, patients are encouraged to ask these three questions and physicians are reminded to structure information conveyed to patients around these questions. 

Patients are empowered when they are invited to ask questions and encouraged that physicians want them to understand their own health care.

Bereits existierende Produkte


‚Smart Medication‘

ist ein Gerät zur Individualisierung der Medikamentenvergabe. Mein Szenario nimmt exemplarisch chronische Alterskrankheiten in den Blick.

Patient*innen mit einer solchen ‚Multimorbidität’ müssen oft mehrere unterschiedliche Medikamente täglich kombinieren. Anhand von Körperdaten, die von Patient*innen selbst aufgezeichnet werden, kann der Arzt eine individuelle Therapie für den Patienten*die Patientin erstellen.


The Kenko 

is a device you’ve never seen or heard of before, but can save your life. Touted as the world’s first domestic microRNA analyzing device, the Kenko basically takes a drop of your blood and tests it vor various diseases, both severe and otherwise. A blood deposition tray is provided to the user monthly. They must smear a drop of their blood on the tray before placing it into the Kenko. The blood is carried to various different points of the tray, which are then separately analyzed by the Kenko. A smartphone app then displays the diagnostics to the user. All they have to do then is carefully dispose of the blood tray, and in case of any medical emergency, the user will obviously have the Kenko to thank for the early detection!


Mood Planet

 is an AI mood tracking application. Mood Planet detects a user's mood states by measuring how comfortable and energetic a user feels according to the user's data from Apple Watch. It visualizes the user's mood states and supports the user in understanding the data and algorithms behind the app. The user can easily give feedback. Furthermore, Mood Planet shows the pattern between mood and the user's activities. And it gives inspiration to the user for improving their own mood. By Mood Planet, the users can be aware of their mood and reach mental well-being.



Literally the size of a quarter, the Dab is an unobtrusive Holter ECG/EKG that rests comfortably on your chest, constantly reading your heart’s movements. Designed to be minimal, non-invasive, and simple, the Dab tries to bridge the gap between medical appliances and wearables. Its tiny yet classy design sits on your chest via a gel patch, while the electrodes capture your heart activity. The Dab’s dry-electrodes allow it to be used and reused, unlike disposable electrodes that lead to large amounts of medical waste. They constantly measure one’s heart activity (requiring periodic charging via their wireless charging hub), and keep logs of accurate readings, quietly sitting on your chest while you absolutely forget that they’re even there in the first place!

Offene Sachfragen

1.Welche Daten lassen sich technisch erheben?

– Siehe Tabelle

2.Welche Daten befinden sich typischerweise in einer Patientenakte?

– Interessanter: Welche Daten befinden sich nicht in einer Akte? Antwort: Lifestyle-Daten

3.Welche Daten können wir eingehend untersuchen?

– Lifestyle-Daten

4.Welche Rolle spielen diese Daten für den Behandlungsprozess?

– Für die Behandlung von insbesondere chronischen Depressionen (Dysthimie) ist neben Therapie und Medikamenten sind auch Anpassungen des Lifestyles wichtig, um die Krankheit unter Kontrolle zu halten

5.Wie verstehen die Patienten diese Daten? Welche Auswirkungen haben diese Daten auf ihren Zustand?

– Die mit einer Stimmungstracker-App gesammelten Daten sind teilweise schlecht interprestierar, Ursache und Wirkung sind unklar. Grundsätzlich ermutigen die Daten, hilfreiche Verhaltensweisen zu verstärken

6.Wie können wir diesen Datenzugang einfacher, proaktiver und intuitiver gestalten?

– Visualisierung der Daten verbessern, Ursache und Wirkung besser aufschlüsseln, Datensammlung passiver und damit schneller machen, Tipps geben welche Daten überhaupt relevant sind

7.Welches standardisierte Format zur optimalen Kompatibilität eignet sich zum Sammeln und Organisieren der Daten?

8.Wieso werden die vorhandenen Daten bisher nicht besser genutzt?

– Ärzte und Therapeuten wissen nicht davon/ haben keine Zeit, sich um die Auswertung zu kümmern?

To do




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Wintersemester 2021 / 2022

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