Incom ist die Kommunikations-Plattform der weißensee kunsthochschule berlin

In seiner Funktionalität auf die Lehre in gestalterischen Studiengängen zugeschnitten... Schnittstelle für die moderne Lehre

Incom ist die Kommunikations-Plattform der weißensee kunsthochschule berlin mehr erfahren

Pseudo Haptics - Pseudo Sync


I miss different human physical interactions these days. Specifically dancing. In the beginning of the year I made a visual identity for „Letting Go!“ - A party dance classes project that migrated quickly to online platforms. The classes then took place online in Zoom and I even participated in few.



What is it about dancing experience that I love ?

How can we overcome the lack of physical presence of other people while dancing?

How can these dance classes be more immersive? 

How can haptic sensations enrich this audio visual experience?

From the beginning of the semester this scene from Blade runner 2049 was resonating in my head where Joi, an hologram intelligence, and Officer k.k can for the first time feel and touch each other: [watch from 1:30]

Screen Shot 2020-12-06 at 10.15.33.pngScreen Shot 2020-12-06 at 10.15.33.png


I breakdown the experiments I want to conduct to different aspects of the dancing experience. I would like to both recreate the „Original“ experience but also take advantage of using new mediums and create new ones.

1. Sync

Theres a sense of body synchronization when dancing together it's happening almost intuitively by reading small nuance or touching each other.

  • Sync your hand by giving haptic hints on where the other dancer's hand is moving.

Artboard Copy.jpgArtboard Copy.jpg

2. Touch

  • How can I communicate the physicality of the dance partner with haptic sensation?

Artboard Copy 2.jpgArtboard Copy 2.jpg

3. Surrounding

  • Transmit sound vibration via haptic sensation on the dancer body.

  • How can I change the surroundings once the is a sync between two dancers?


Looking for a way to identify collision between two object with sensitivity to it's the shape boarder I found a great code that will help me in the following experiments

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Art des Projekts


Zugehöriger Workspace



Wintersemester 2020 / 2021